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Books (peer reviewed):

Forthcoming. Gaza. London: Polity. (with Maia Carter Hallward)

2023. Sounding Conflict: Resistance, Resilience, and Reconciliation. (With Fiona McGowan, Pedro Rebelo & Stefanie Lehner). London: Bloomsbury. 

2021. The Palestinian Prisoners Movement: Resistance and Disobedience.  London: Routledge. 

2015. Understanding Nonviolence. London: Polity Press. (with Maia Carter Hallward)

2011. Nonviolent Resistance: Activism and Advocacy in the Second Intifada. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. (with Maia Carter Hallward)


2010. The Second Palestinian Intifada: Civil Resistance. London: Routledge.

Articles (peer reviewed):

2024. "Other People's Terrorism: Ideology and the Perceived Legitimacy of Political Violence." Perspectives on Politics 22.2 (June): pp. 445-462.

2023. "Assessing Public Attitudes toward Random versus Symbolic Terrorist Targets: Survey Experimental Evidence." Journal of Global Security Studies. 8.4 (December): (with Thomas Gift & Rob Davidson)

2023. "Rethinking the Triple-Nexus: Integrating Peacebuilding and Resilience Initiatives in Conflict Contexts." Journal of Peacebuilding & Development 18.3. (with Drew Mikhael)

2021. "Collaboration in Commissioned Research." PS: Political Science & Politics. (April). (with Drew Mikhael)

2021. "Negotiating Detention: The Radical Pragmatism of Prison-based Resistance in Protracted Conflicts." Security Dialogue. 53.2: pp. 95-111. (February).

2020. “Beyond Hunger Strikes: The Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement and Everyday Resistance.” Journal of Resistance Studies 6.1: pp. 40-68.

2018. "The Mobility Myth: Risk and Resilience of Refugee Youth in the MENA Region.” Forced Migration Review (February).

2013. “Memory and Mobilization: Identity, Narrative and Nonviolent Resistance in the Palestinian Intifadas.” Quest: Issues in Contemporary Jewish History 5 (July).

2012. “The Geography of Occupation: Planning and Human Rights in Israel-Palestine." Progressive Planning (Fall).

2009. “Jerusalem and Belfast: Envisioning Media Arts for Cultural Identity and Urban Renewal in Divided Cities.” Jerusalem Quarterly (Special issue on Divided Cities) 39. (with Nitin Sawhney & Raed Yacoub)

2009. “Creative Activism: Youth Media in Palestine.” Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 2. 251-274.

Book Chapters (peer reviewed):

Forthcoming. "Is Terrorism Ever Justified?" Debating Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Conflicting Perspectives on Causes, Contexts, and Responses, ed. Stuart Gottlieb. Los Angeles: Sage.

Forthcoming. "Former Fighters in Lebanon." Former Extremists: Roles in Preventing and Countering Violence, ed. Gordon Clubb, Ryan Scrivens, and Mohammad Islam. Oxford: Oxford University Press.  (with Christina Foerch)

2023. "Resistance: Performing the Frontline." Sounding Conflict, ed. Fiona Magowan et al. London: Bloomsbury.

2023. “Getting Local Engagement Right: Key Considerations for Local-level P/CVE Research.” Researching Violent Extremism: Considerations, Reflections, and Perspectives. Eds. Kateira Aryaeinejad, Alasair Reed, Emma Heywood, & Jacob Udo-Udo Jacob. Washington, DC: RESOLVE Network. (with Drew Mikhael)

2021. "Terrorism in Israel/Palestine." The Cambridge History of Terrorism, ed. Richard English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2019. “The Role of Planning in the Occupation of Palestine.” Transformative Planning. Ed. Thomas Angotti. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

2015. “’We Do Not Work for Peace’: Reframing Resistance in the Second Palestinian Intifada,” Comparative Perspectives on Civil Resistance, ed. Kurt Schock. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.

2015. "Understanding Nonviolence," Understanding Nonviolence, ed. Maia Carter Hallward and Julie Norman. London: Polity Press. (with Maia Carter Hallward)

2013. “The Activist and the Olive Tree: Nonviolent Resistance in the Second Intifada.” Conflict Transformation: Essays on Methods of Nonviolence, eds. Emiko Noma, Rhea DuMont, and Tom Hastings. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.

2011. “Nonviolent Resistance in the Second Intifada.” In Nonviolent Resistance: Activism and Advocacy in the Second Intifada, eds. Maia Carter Hallward and Julie M. Norman. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. 1-12.

2009. “Got Trust? The Challenge of Gaining Access in Conflict Zones." In Surviving Research: Doing Research in Difficult and Violent Situations, ed. John C. King et al. New York: Routledge. 71-90.

Research Reports

2023. Pockets of Peace in Crises: Integrating Conflict Prevention into Humanitarian Resilience Programmes in Fragile Contexts. Dublin: Christian Aid/Irish Aid. (with Drew Mikhael)

2023. In their Own Words: Youth and Social Movements in Iraq. Baghdad: British Council. (with Drew Mikhael)

2020. Getting Local Engagement Right: Key Considerations for Local-level P/CVE Research. Washington, DC: RESOLVE Network. (with Drew Mikhael)

2019. Assessing Conflict Sensitivity and Community Resilience in Humanitarian Programmes. Dublin: Christian Aid/Irish Aid. (with Drew Mikhael)

2019. Local Leaders Key to Preventing Violent Extremism among Youth. Beirut: Lebanese Centre for Policy Studies (LCPS). (with Drew Mikhael)

Selected Op-Eds

2024. "UK Suspends 30 Arms Export Licenses to Israel -- But It Won't Change Much in the War in Gaza." The Conversation 3 September.

2024. "Israelis and Palestinians Have Never Sounded So Alike Yet Been So Far Apart." RUSI Commentary 24 July.

2024. "Netanyahu and Israel Are Becoming Increasingly Isolated Internationally – They Need to Listen to their Friends." The Conversation 28 May.

2024. "What Do the ICC Warrants for Israel and Hamas Mean for the Conflict?" RUSI Commentary 22 May.

2024. "Documenting Sexual Violence Isn't About Taking Sides Between Israel and Palestine." The Hill 12 March.

2024. "Why the War in Gaza Won't Thwart Biden's Reelection." The Hill 6 March. (with Thomas Gift)

2024. "Gaza War: Palestinian Prisoners Will Be a Key Condition of Any Ceasefire Deal-- Here's Why." The Conversation 29 February.

2024. "Middle East Crisis: US Air Strikes Against Iran-Backed Armed Groups Explained." The Conversation 5 February.

2023. "Hamas and Hezbollah: How They're Different and Why They Might Cooperate Against Israel." The Conversation 17 October.

2023. "Democrat Failure to Save US Speaker Hands Victory to Republican Right." The Conversation 4 October. (with Thomas Gift)

2023. "Trump on Trial: Experts Answer Key Questions on What Could Happen Next." The Conversation 18 September. (with Thomas Gift)

2023. "Trump's Latest Indictment Matters Because It Holds Him to Account for his Actions to Overturn the 2020 Election." LSE USAPP 3 August.

2023. "Why Democrats Should Tread Carefully in Criticizing the Supreme Court as Anti-Democratic." LSE USAPP 20 July. (with Thomas Gift)

2023. "To Encourage Ideological Diversity on College Campuses, Donors Need to Think Bigger." Chronicle of Philanthropy 14 June. (with Thomas Gift)

2023. "AI Makes University Honour Codes More Necessary Than Ever." Times HIgher Education 7 February. (with Thomas Gift)

2023. "For Joe Biden, Could Low Expectations Be a Gift?" The Hill 1 February. (with Thomas Gift)

2023. "Voters Don't Care if Politicians Have a Degree. So Why Do They All Have One?" Newsweek 9 January. (with Thomas Gift)

2022. "Just Seeing a Fox New Logo Prompts Racial Bias, New Research Suggests." Washington Post 24 December. (with Thomas Gift and Andrew Bell)

2022. "Why Biden Should Not Run in 2024." Persuasion 21 December.

2022. "Why the Georgia Run-Off (Still) Matters." LSE USAPP 5 December. 

2022. "Four more years? Joe Biden and other Democratic hopefuls for the 2024 presidential nomination." The Conversation 17 November. (with Thomas Gift)

2022. "Love him or hate him, don't count Trump out." The Hill 17 November. (with Thomas Gift)

2022. "US Midterms: Five reasons why the election results matter." The Conversation 9 November. (with Thomas Gift)

2022. "Five ways the conventional wisdom is wrong about the midterms." The Hill 4 November. (with Thomas Gift)

2022. "Violence against anti-abortion groups is rising. Is it justified?" Washington Post. 29 June.

2022. "Explainer: The hearings investigating the January 6 US Capitol attack, and why they matter." LSE USAPP. 13 June.

2022. "It's easy to condemn terrorism. But perhaps not when we agree with it." UCL Policy Lab. 30 May.

2022. "Conflating genocide with war crimes is counterproductive." The Hill. 14 April.

2022. "Biden's State of the Union is likely being rewritten. This is why." The Independent. 1 March. (with Thomas Gift)

2022. "With Supreme Court pick, Biden essentializes race and gender." The Hill. 29 January. (with Thomas Gift)

2022. "As tensions rise between the US, Russia, and NATO over Ukraine, diplomacy is key alongside deterrence." LSE USAPP. 27 January.

2022. "One year into his presidency, Biden is down but not out." LSE USAPP. 20 January.

2022. "Senate opposition means Democrats will struggle to pass voting bills." LSE USAPP. 10 January.

2021. "Biden's Putin call is only one part of a big week for democracy." LSE USAPP. 7 December.

2021. "What to watch in Virginia and New Jersey's off-year elections this week." LSE USAPP. 1 November.

2021. "Biden's $1.2 billion infrastructure bill is good policy -- and good politics." LSE USAPP. 10 August.

2021. "Is the battle over voting rights the biggest test of US democracy?" LSE USAPP. 15 July.

2021. "Biden, the G-7, and the Limits of Multilateralism."The Hill. 10 June.

2021. "Biden's G-7 trip is about repairing international relationships and reviving US support for multilateralism."LSE USAPP. 8 June.

2021. "Israel-Palestine conflict: The role of the Hamas and Fatah rivalry in the latest violence." The Conversation. 12 May.

2021. "Middle East balance key to Biden's foreign policy aims." Chatham House. 26 April.

2021. "In passing Covid relief, appeasing party moderates was more important to Congressional Democrats than pursuing bipartisan compromise." LSE USAPP. 9 March.

2021. "Politics explains opposition to Biden's cabinet." The Hill. 27 February.

2021. "Though conviction is unlikely, Democrats are pursuing the impeachment trial to hold Trump accountable." LSE USAPP. 12 February.

2021. "Why the Democrats are continuing with Trump's impeachment, even if conviction now seems unlikely." LSE USAPP. 28 January.

2021. "The uphill battle towards Trump's second impeachment." LSE USAPP. 13 January.

2021. "The results of the Georgia runoff elections show just how much of a liability Trump has become for Republicans." LSE USAPP. 12 January.

2021. "Who's who in Joe Biden's cabinet." The Conversation. 11 January.

2020. "Can Biden find a third way between Trumpism and Obama era globalism?" The Hill 4 Dec.

2020. "Biden's cabinet picks point to a moderate and pragmatic foreign policy." LSE USAPP 26 Nov.

2020. "Trump's intransigence won't change the election result. But it's still dangerous for security and democracy."LSE USAPP 13 Nov.

2020. "Making Sense of the US Election." E-International Relations 11 November.

2020. "No matter the election result, the US will continue to wrestle with gun violence." LSE USAPP. 29 October.

2020. "Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis may change the campaigns, but it won't change voters' minds." LSE USAPP. 6 October.

2020. "How Amy Coney Barrett's nomination could dominate the election." LSE USAPP. 1 October.

2020. "Biden holds his own as Trump refuses to condemn white supremacists and militia at first debate." LSE USAPP. 30 September.

2020. "Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death has brought politics back into the election race." LSE USAPP.  22 September.

2020. "Trump's use of federal forces in US cities not only politicises crime, it's also a missed opportunity." LSE USAPP. 27 July.

2020. "Why 'defund the police' could backfire." The Hill. 9 June.

2020. "How imprisoned Palestinians gained rights from everyday resistance." Waging Nonviolence. 27 April.


2020. "Trump’s Middle East peace deal is anything but." LSE USAPP Blog. 31 January.


2020. "Myanmar ruling sets important precedent for genocide prevention." The Hill. 27 January.

2020. "The Soleimani assassination was short-sighted for US strategy and de-stabilizing for Iraq and the region." The Hill. 3 January.


2019. "The London Bridge attack shows why we must bolster, not abolish, offender reintegration." The Huffington Post. 2 December.


2019. "Why the DRC’s power-sharing deal with struggle – just like the previous ones." The Conversation.  26 March.


2019. "Democratic Republic of the Congo: election results contested, but reveal overwhelming desire for change." The Conversation. 10 January.


2018. “Five myths about Palestine’s youth activists – debunked.” The Conversation. 18 May.


2017. “The Role of Religion in Re-integrating Ex-Extremist Prisoners.” Confederation of European Probation Newsletter. December.


2017. “Disrupting Processes of Youth Radicalization.” Washington Post. 28 August.

2017. “Five Myths about the Palestinian Hunger Strike.” Washington Post . 26 April.

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